Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Me with Jimmy 7-14-09

Therman and Janice are here at the house. It's the second, or third stop on their train tour. Jimmy is here now to pick up Therman for a couple of days. My mother called while we were all sitting in the kitchen talking and she quickly got me off the phone and said, "You know you better interview Jimmy now, 'cause he aint gon sit on the phone with you."

This conversation with Jimmy is easy. As probably most of Jimmy's conversations go, he'll answer any question, openly. But you gotta ask the question. He aint volunteering nothin'.

Quiet and easy are the words that best describe the way I see him. Recently I was at his house with friends of mine and we were watching the NBA playoffs. In all the excitement of the game, the movin', the shakin', the dribblin', the foulin', we sat there with the TV on mute 'cause Jimmy had jazz goin' in the background. Therman was there too, but my guess is that the smooth jazz / Kobe combo was Jimmy's idea.

Jaha* When you remember growing up in the house in Long Beach, what do you remember first?

Jimmy* It was crowded but very organized.

Jaha* What number are you?

Jimmy* Well, I count us backwards, so I'm fourth from the bottom.

Jaha* Why music all the time?

Jimmy* I was always watchin' Mildred dance and Bubba nod his head. I can reach any and every body through music.

Jaha* It seems like nothing affects you. I can't even imagine you angry. I mean, even after J.J., I know that was a hard thing to go through, but you just seemed to manage.

Jimmy* Worry kills. Yeah, it was hard but...

Jaha* Were you always like that?

Jimmy* Yeah, I was very analytical.

Jaha* Does that come from being in a big family?

Jimmy* I guess.

Jaha* I can't tell who you're most like between the siblings. I would say my mother. Who would you say?

Jimmy* Me and Patsy? No. I was into a lot of material things.

Jaha* Really?

Jimmy* Yeah, see, you just lookin' at me like I am now. But I liked a lot of material things. I liked...flashy.

Jaha* I guess I could see that 'cause you always have really nice things around you. I just can't see you needing a lot of it.

Jimmy* (laughs and smiles his really, really beautiful smile) I always looked at myself as a mixture between Bobby and Bubba.

Jaha* I see Bubba, but where is Bobby in Jimmy?

Jimmy* Um...havin' fun, partying. I was always going down to Dick Tate's in Long Beach.

Jaha* I don't know Dick Tate's, but I can see it.

What I've always known about you is that you're very neat and organized. Is that why Jackie?

Jimmy* Yeah. I knew I was only gon get married one time and not to somebody from Long Beach.

Jaha* Why not?

Jimmy* Long Beach was a playground. I knew wasn't nothin' there. Jackie slowed me down. That was the requirement. You had to make me wanna settle down. I told her "Just wait on me, I'll be alright." It's about knowing what you want, or knowing what you don't want. I don't know which it was. I guess a combination of both. (Pause) Yeah, aint nothing in Long Beach. I knew them girls couldn't cook...Long Beach was a playground.

Jaha* Still is. (Pause) How long have yall been married?

Jackie* Thirty-eight years.

I get the feeling there is always a jazz track playing in the background in Jimmy's head. Easy, smooth, open, calm, neat, organized. Jimmy.

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