Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Me with me part 2 7-21-09

?* And???...

Jaha* And today is one of those days. Not really one of those days. One of those moments that's all. When I could just quit. But I won't. Thank God I've grown enough to read the signs.

?* What are they saying?

Jaha* In the past, I would feel like this and I think it was time to crawl in a corner and disappear.

?* And now?

Jaha* And now I hold my head up and remember Whose I am. Circumstances are just circumstances. Just temporary. Not real. Uraeus is real. My mother is real. My family, my friends, my dog, Love is real. God is real.

Everything else is just...

?* So if you don't crawl in a corner, then what do you do?

Jaha* I pray. I turn the music up. I put on a flowing skirt. I dance.

?* To what?

Jaha* Beautiful Anyway.

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